Outfit of the day.Styling and video by @jamiejoywu.@mitchjaspers is wearing the camel shorts from Kronstadt for €44,95.With on top a white Native Youth shirt for only €44,95.Combined with a black belt from Wil(s)kin for €35. Also available in blue, grey and brown.Wearing it all with the Tdleather boots gor €99.With sunny's from Komono for €99,95.Topped it with the amazing soft black leather hand & shoulder bag from Fahrenheit for only €169,95. 100% handmade in Barcelona, crafted with the most special leathers found in the city, provided by some of the best furriers!.Wearing it with a Komono watch for €89,95!.Haarlemmerdijk 40-42.#thisishappening #hair #fashion #haarlemmerdijk #amsterdam #conceptstore #inspiration #nicedesign #green #unique #black #modern #clothes #wax #cut #haircut #freshcut #man #woman #model #customer #amsterdam #ootd #quality #followforfollow #like4like #friday #weekend